Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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2 answers

linux/lighttpd: setting umask for webdav?

I'm running lighttpd on my linux server. I have set up webdav, and I want to set the umask to a specific value only for the webdav site, and not for any other sites running under my lighttpd server. ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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Lighttpd reverse proxy HTTPS to another server on HTTP

I've a Lighttpd server running on HTTPS, and I want to have one subdirectory on the server act as a reverse proxy for a separate server that runs on HTTP. I've tried following guides on doing both ...
cogm's user avatar
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How to use modsecurity with lighttpd

I'm not an expert and I'm looking to use modsecurity with lighttpd Can someone explain me how to compile or install modsecurity for lighttpd because I can't find any documentation online
freeze's user avatar
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Proxy URL to different port via Lighttpd

I cannot seem to proxy a URL to another port on same hostname. I have user interface (Angular 5) running on somehost:8080 and the rest of the web application on (port 80). I'd like to ...
Michael Niño's user avatar
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lighttpd proxy all except .well-known for letsencrypt

I want to configure lighttpd to accept requests from letsencrypt service for cert renewal, but I have a problems with the configuration because it's using as proxy server, so my /.well-known is not ...
TarasH's user avatar
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Lighttpd running FastCGI script hangs and give 500 internal error

I'm attempting to use lighttpd and fastcgi to run a small flask application. When I try to start lighttpd, it starts the server just fine, but when I try to connect in the browser, it hangs without ...
Michael's user avatar
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Suexec: invalid command error

I'm trying to set lighttpd with suexec, but something goes wrong on testing: when I try to launch something via suexec, it gives me in log: [2017-10-08 00:23:24]: invalid command (/srv/http/main/...
Fireburn's user avatar
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Lighttpd stop responding to php calls

I am running 2 servers with Lighttpd 1.4.45 with fastcgi and php 5.6 on gentoo linux. We have a problem in both servers that about twice a day the Lighttpd stop responding to php calls, only restart ...
Miko Meltzer's user avatar
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Redirect http and ssl requests on 50001, 50002 to localhost ports lighttpd

I have a http server running on localhost:50001 and a ssl enabled server on localhost:50002, my root domain is say lighttpd serves a directory when is requested. I need to ...
Harwee's user avatar
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Extracting TLS session keys from lighttpd

Is it possible to extract the TLS session keys from Lighttpd so we are able to decrypt traffic captured by tcpdump? Alternatively, we could disable PFS but we prefer not to do that.
Georg Schölly's user avatar
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Migrate Apache Authorization Header rule to Lighttpd

My web server is running PHP applications with lighttpd and PHP-FPM for years. Now, after a 3rd-Party software upgrade, I must include some rules in order to activate a REST API. <IfModule ...
LeonanCarvalho's user avatar
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How to use php-fpm in tcp mode on an external machine?

I'm using php-fpm over TCP, because Is my intention load balance it. Should I have PHP files on every server? Or can I store it at the web server (Lighttpd)? I'm receiving 404 Error when trying to ...
LeonanCarvalho's user avatar
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SNI for Multiple Hosts on Lighttpd

Inherited lighttpd server, I'm somewhat clueless on it. Trying to use SNI to install a 3rd SSL cert without another IP. Currently the SSL config in lighttpd.conf looks like so: $SERVER["socket"] == ":...
the.s.brom's user avatar
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How to disable abbreviated SSL handshake to perform a full handshake every call on lighttpd?

I understand the ssl handshake flow, but I'm facing a logic problem. When a user selects a certificate I need to validate it against application to know that its reliable and match with any system ...
LeonanCarvalho's user avatar
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Lighttpd proxy tomcat path

My tomcat serves 2 sites ROOT -> Main-site /mobile -> dedicated mobile website I've configured lighttpd to serve as a proxy $HTTP["host"] =~ "" { proxy.server = ( "" =&...
Beig's user avatar
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Is possible to use Lighttpd $HTTP["url"] conditional to enable ssl.verifyclient.* option dynamically?

I should enable ssl.verifyclient.* option for a single endpoint of the website, to proceed with certificate login or validation. But it is not working. The configuration: $HTTP["host"] =~ "^(.*\.|)...
LeonanCarvalho's user avatar
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How do I set up letsencrypt with multiple domains on a lighttpd server with ubuntu 16.04?

I'm trying to set up letsencrypt on lighttpd from scratch. I currently run lighttpd on 16.10 xenial and want to move over existing sites to https from http. I know there's an automatic setup process ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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Error "SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:peer did not return a certificate" on lighttpd

I'm using a valid certificate but I'm not able to get client certificate. The lighttpd service fails with error: (connections-glue.c.200) SSL: 1 error:140890C7:SSL routines:...
LeonanCarvalho's user avatar
-1 votes
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Arch Linux - Pass MAC address of connected client to web application via web server [closed]

I currently have a raspberry pi running Arch Linux acting as a wifi access point. There is a web server running on the pi with a LAN web app (PHP). I want my web app to know the MAC address of a user ...
Prash's user avatar
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how to use rewrite files with lighttpd

I have just installed a new personal Gentoo server (on a VPS at by the way) and wanted to try something more lightweight than Apache that I used on my previous Debian based server. I used ...
Pavel Šimerda's user avatar
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lighttpd spontaneously dies

I've been using lighttpd pretty successfully on a VPS for several years, but I've hit a snag since upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04.1 on September 30th. (My lighttpd is now 1.4.35.) Twice, upon ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
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Serve application with non standard index file from different document-root

I am trying to configure lighttpd to serve an application (let's call it "foo") that is using a non-standard index page (e.g. "bar.html") as it's start page from a different document-root than the ...
scherand's user avatar
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How to disable lighttpd access log?

I'm using lighttpd and access.log is increasing too fast. Is there a good way to disable access log? At the lighttpd.conf seems that is possible to disable "mod_accesslog" in the "server.modules", ...
user376025's user avatar
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Lighttpd rewrite with dot (.) in URL

I've an installation of lighttpd under Debian running a small API. The current rewrite rules are: url.rewrite = ( "^/(.*)\.(.+)$" => "$0", "^/(.*)$" => "/index.php/$1" ) The ideia is ...
TCB13's user avatar
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Gradual throttling total bandwidth

I have a server with a 30TB traffic allowance hosting (mostly) history images and would like to throttle one particular directory (the download image sizes) when necessary to avoid going over the ...
chx's user avatar
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HTTP Strict Transport Security global cert refresh

So, I probably screwed up when I set up HSTS and didn't refresh my certificate in time. Browsers now have a cache of my old certificate and don't seem to be contacting my server to request a fresh ...
PaulProgrammer's user avatar
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Lighttpd doesn't start after purging Apache

I tried to migrate from Apache to Lighttpd on kubuntu 16.04. I used apt-get remove --purge apache2 then apt-get install lighttpd After running systemctl start lighttpd I got the error message Job ...
Patently Paul's user avatar
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lighttpd can't access same files and apache can't

I having a issue with lighttpd, It can't access any of my files in ../media/* but apache can. It's the very same files it have been running for a very long time, until for 4 -> 6 hours ago, where it ...
user355906's user avatar
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Lighttpd Skip auth for ip

I have setup a login for a domain with lighttpd 1.4.31, no problem. Now, I would like to skip this login for a single IP address. I have tried a few different configs I found in the documentation ...
PiTheNumber's user avatar
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Lighttpd: specify two http hosts with same document root?

What is the best or proper way to specify two http hosts with the same document root on Lighttpd? For example, to serve a domain at and Given the following in the ...
user981178's user avatar
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https not recognized by PHP when lighttpd url.rewrite used

I'm deploying a PHP website using lighttpd. To get nice URLs working, I've put this into the configuration file: url.rewrite = ( "^/(?!(wp-admin|wp-includes|wp-content))/(.*)" => "/index.php?$...
Philipp Zedler's user avatar
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lighttpd authentication before redirection from https to http

I would like to redirect from https to http after authentication so credentials go through a secure channel but everything else is transmitted in plain. Here it is the relevant part of the conf file: ...
Albert's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy with https redirect in Lighttpd

I've got a django application here that uses a lighttpd reverse proxy. We recently moved it behind an elastic load balancer on EC2 and I'm having trouble working out the correct config to do what I ...
hopvision's user avatar
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CentOS 7 lighttpd startup failed

I'm running CentOS 7 and when I start lighttpd, it showed status [OK], but when I check the status, it does not actually run. There isn't much information on the startup log, but here is it: [root@...
Teddybugs's user avatar
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Search lighttpd access log

The access-log on my lighttpd server is kind of huge, apx 5GB. Now I need to extract all data from a given date, 12th of February, from the log file and if possible save to new file. Is it possible ...
Andy's user avatar
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lighttpd rewrite in magento

I'm currently using below code in lighttpd.conf to redirect http to https. $HTTP["scheme"] == "http" { $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" { url.redirect = (".*" => "https://%0$0") } } However, ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Redirect to https on lighttpd

Trying to understand how to make the redirect to redirect all http traffic to https on lighttpd webserver using 301. For instance should redirect to and ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Disable SSLV3 on lighttpd 1.4.28

I just installed SSL certificate on my lighttpd server. When running some 3d-party tests they said that SSLV3 should be disabled for security reasons. However, as my version don't support ssl.use-...
Andreas's user avatar
4 votes
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Docker compose volumes invalid characters

Unable to start container with docker-compose up Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5 Dockerfile FROM ubuntu # File Author / Maintainer MAINTAINER Parzee [email protected] # Install Components. # ...
gogasca's user avatar
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Docker compose Conflict error

Unable to start container with docker-compose up Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5 Dockerfile FROM ubuntu # File Author / Maintainer MAINTAINER Parzee [email protected] # Install Components. # ...
gogasca's user avatar
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Implement apache equivalent mod_rewrite functionality in lighttpd

Here's the mod_rewrite .htaccess file which is meant to work on Apache Servers for my web-app RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /cs200/tokens/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{...
Titanoboa's user avatar
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Hide index.php in subdirectory after rewrite (lighttpd)

How it is set up now I have a website which is setup for clean urls with apache mod_rewrite like this: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301] RewriteCond %{...
Liam Martens's user avatar
5 votes
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How to reverse proxy https with lighttpd?

I want to forward (reverse proxy) requests to to my internal (HTTPS-)WebServer on port 8443 using Lighttp. Environment-Infos: My WebServer is a Tomcat running on ...
Ben's user avatar
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lighttpd won't reload config, restart, or even stop

I made some changes to my lighttpd config file and wanted to force-reload but the changes weren’t reflected. I tried stopping and starting it, again with no effect. I then tried simply stopping it. ...
daniel's user avatar
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How to run multiple dokuwiki instances on debian with lighttpd

I installed dokuwiki using the guide here. Everything was very easy and works great. Now I want to run a second wiki on the same server. I have read enough that I think I could hack it together by ...
user325046's user avatar
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SSL for Lighttpd on different port Error 451 -

I'm not quite sure how to explain my problem but I'm going to try. I have lighttpd 1.4.35 on Centos 6.4 64bit behind a firewall. One of the virtual host is running using different port (8800) with ...
Le Dude's user avatar
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multiple redirects on lighhttpd

I have a request to redirect multiple individual URLs to new individual URLs. This is the situation: **Old URL --> New URL** --> ...
the0's user avatar
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lighttpd: remove charset=UTF-8 from content type

lighttpd 1.4.31-4+deb7u3 automatically adds ;charset=UTF-8 to the content-type of .html and .php files. How can I remove that? Setting the content type in PHP itself does not help; lighttpd still ...
cweiske's user avatar
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Lighttpd: Redirect Domain but not Subdomain

In the past I had the following config on Lighted that would allow me to redirect some secondary domains I own to my primary domain. $HTTP["host"] =~ "superdomain\.net|superdomain\.eu" { url....
TCB13's user avatar
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413 - request entity too large in lighthttpd

When saving configuration settings in Magento I get "413 - request entity too large". We are running lighttpd. In php.ini memory_limit = -1 In lighttpd.conf server.max-request-size = 1000000 I have ...
Andreas's user avatar
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